Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wherein I attempt to explain myself and make a request

Hey, you! If you're here, you were kind enough to click a link I tweeted or facebooked or shouted about, and I thank you for doing so. Now to explain what the hell I'm doing here without using All The Words. Thus:

Remember when @JadeSnake declared I should visit everyone on #TeamWaffle and it would be, like, WAFFLES ACROSS AMERICA!? And when @aliceandstuff said she'd like to come along and film a documentary? And how we got so excited, we spent a few minutes wondering if we could kickstart that and what the rewards should be? And how it turned out that we can't actually get enough time off work...?

In the aftermath of #JCCC3 and the huge boost of DO, AND DON'T STOP TO TALK YOURSELF OUT OF IT, I have decided that I'm in need of a project, and I'm pleased to report that I have conceived of one. It's silly and self-indulgent, and probably very definitely unhealthy, but it's going to be fun for me, if not for anybody else. To wit:

I want to make waffles, every Sunday from now until JCCC4.

And what I'd like most of all is to make different waffles every week. Which means I need...48 recipes. *gulp* And this is where you come in: Would you let me have your favourite waffle recipe? I'd like to collect recipes from all over America (and the rest of the world!) and try to make them. I'm not a great cook, so there will be many false starts. I will diligently report my findings on this here blog. I'm hoping to achieve two things by doing this:

1. I'll spend some more in the kitchen. I really want to be a better cook, and this would mean I have no excuse not to try.

2. I'll be writing a little bit again. As you can see from this here word salad, I badly need the practice.

I don't know if I can even sustain a weekly waffle habit, but I want to try. Will you help? Hit me with your recipes! You could post them here in the comments if you want, or you could DM me on Twitter (@SusLikesTurtles) for my email address, or tweet me a link? If we're friends on facebook, message me? It would be really helpful to include where you live, because I have this idea that I'd like to create an interactive Waffle Map Of The World (not that I have even the slightest idea of how to do that) that links waffle recipes to locations...or something.

Enough with the words. Thank you so, so much for indulging me.

Yay, #waffles!

PS: Please post or link or email your favourite waffle recipe! In return, when next we meet, I will make you waffles. I promise! *

* Unless the next time I see you is on a boat...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Pumpkin Cornmeal Waffles -

    They're a bit denser than 'normal' waffles but they're really, really good.

    1. Wow, blended pumpkin! That sounds awesome. Thank you, Jeni!

  3. i already sent you my recipe, but when you get tired of sweet waffles, try potato waffles! they're good for dinner, too :)

    1. YES! These will happen! They sound just the right level of difficulty for me, too. ;) Now to find an acceptable mashed potato powder - the last one I tried was revolting. Thank you! (This is you, Pie, isn't it? :)

  4. The waffle I had yesterday in SF was pretty great, and since you like yours sweet, I think you'll like how they finished theirs. Once the waffle was set enough to be able to open the press, they sprinkled sugar over the waffle and then closed it up and let it caramelize.

    Donovan also made a great suggestion. Goggle+ waffle parties! We are totally up for staying up crazy late and making waffles with you some saturday or sunday morning!

    1. Ohhhh a waffle hangout!! That would be friggin amazing. Only my webcam is borked...I need to invest in a new one. THIS WILL HAPPEN.

      Thanks for the tip, too! There's a Belgian waffle place just outside Baker St tube station and I've often wondered how they get that glazed kind of look. Now I know. Thank you! :)
