Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 1: Now we're cooking!

Welcome to Week 1 of Waffles Across America! This week, I made these puppies. If you don't fancy clicking, here's the recipe (and my substitutions, if any):

2 cups (230 grams) flour (I used all-purpose)
2 cups (460 g) milk (I used semi-skimmed)
8 tbsp (115 g) melted, and cooled, butter
1/2 tsp instant yeast (I used this stuff)
1 tbsp sugar (I used a HUGELY heaped tablespoon of granulated sugar. Plus what my mum calls "one spoonful for the cook.":)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
2 eggs

On Saturday night, I mixed all the dry ingredients, including the yeast, then added the milk, cooled melted butter and vanilla extract. It comes out a very thin, light-brown mixture. I covered it, and went to bed.

See? Nothing sticking to the stirry bits. Very thin.

Leave out over night. Won't go off, I promise.
Sunday morning. GET UP, GET UP, WAFFLES!!! The yeast had done its job - look at this bubbly batter:
Beauty and the Yeast.
Now to separate eggs! ...oh man, I'd forgotten how I sucked at separating eggs. After I'd picked out the bits of shell from everywhere, I whisked the whites LIKE A BOSS.

Those are WHIPPED, baby.
Stirred in the yokes, then the whites. The mixture turned all airy and fluffy from science. And then! I baked the things. The first batch went in for 4 minutes and came out looking like this:

Look at these beauties. Just look at them.
They're not evenly browned because I had a minor disagreement with the cooking spray. But they were amazing. Especially with strawberries and vanilla icecream.

Not pictured: The strawberry sauce I bucketed over these
prior to consumption.
Success! I have achieved edible, rather tasty waffles. And my house smelled of cinnamon the entire day. You should make these, #TeamWaffle. They're really nice.

Simplicity of recipe: 8 out of 10. Having to prepare them the night before means you can't just throw this together at the spur of a moment. Also, I hate separating eggs.
Sweet or savory: Sweet. 
Texture: They came out almost too fluffy. It was like eating tasty air. I'd use  a little less milk and only one egg white if I made them again.
Taste: 10 out of 10. They taste like waffles, with a hint of cinnamon. 

Thank you so much, Brian, for recommending this recipe! We're off to a great start.

Next week
Something with buttermilk! Because BUTTERMILK! I've not had buttermilk in about 20 years? 25? This is an outrage.

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