Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 2 Shopping List

This Sunday, WAA heads to Germany so that I can try and re-live my childhood! My mum cannot remember which recipe we used to make, but she found this one in one of her books, so it will be tried and, hopefully, found to be amazing. Also, it has buttermilk, which is incredibly exciting! If you'd like to waffle along, here's the shopping list:

125g butter
50g sugar
1 pinch of salt
4 eggs
1tsp baking powder
250g flour
100-200ml buttermilk, and
1 tbsp...oh dear Lord...Vanillezucker.

Now, I import this from Germany; i.e. when I go home, I bring back some.* I realise this isn't an option for most of you... Lemme google that. Right. So, it seems you can make vanilla sugar? Only takes 3-4 weeks!!! HELPFUL.

Some places, you can buy it as Vanillin Sugar. Or, I guess, you could just use a tablespoon of vanilla extract?

Dammit. Maybe this isn't great for waffling along. Tell me if you know of a substitute I could point people at?

This is a same-day recipe but plan to let the batter rest for an hour before cooking it. Method (and results!) on Sunday. See you then?!

* ETA: I have vanilla sugar. Lots of. I just felt bad in case anyone wanted to waffle along and I'm using an ingredient you can't buy easily.

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