Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 7: Churro Waffles

Sorry about last week, Team Waffle! The gingerbread waffles WILL be a thing, but last weekend kinda fell through the cracks and I never found it again.

However! Today, Waffles Across America Totally. Happened. @JadeSnake had this great idea of a #WaffleHangout, so, this morning, we hooked up on Skype and made churro waffles - me here in London at 8am, Jade and @SemiEvolved at midnight in San Francisco. Making a note here: HUGE. SUCCESS.

Here's the recipe, via our amazing friend Thera. You should make these. They're incredibly sweet, because, let's face it, you dunking them in melted butter and then rolling them in cinnamon and sugar, but believe me when I say that they are very, very tasty indeed without this last part, too.

Alas, I forgot to grease my so-called non-stick waffle iron, and the waffles promptly came apart when I tried to pry them out, so there's no pictures this week. Let's all assume they looked exactly like this. Yes. Let's. Ahem.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 6: Waffles and Chicken, you say? YUM, I say!

Welcome to week 6 of Waffles Across America, wherein I overcome my fear of putting foods together that do not go together. Not where I'm from, anyway! The recipe comes courtesy of fellow seamonkey @joshacagan, everyone's favourite Elvis Costello lookalike and writer of the awesome Learning Town, which YOU WILL WATCH RIGHT NOW if you haven't done so already. Also if you have done so already. Because.

Disclaimer: I didn't have much time this weekend, so there was no way I was going to attempt southern fried chicken. So I bought some. "From scratch" is not in my vocabulary.

Son of Disclaimer: There is no buttermilk powder in my local supermarket, and as I don't yet know enough to be able to confidently substitute wet and dry ingredients without blowing up my house, I went looking for a random buttermilk recipe online. Found a likely candidate on and used half measures, as below. They were awesome.

To the kitchen!

Southern Fried Chicken. Buy you some, or make it as per the original recipe (which sounds amazing, by the way, and I will totally attempt to make the chicken, one day #soon.)

For the waffles:
- 62.5g butter (at room temperature)
- 25g sugar
- 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
- pinch of salt
- 2 eggs
- 125g flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 100ml buttermilk

1. Cook chicken as per the instructions on the packaging (or as per the recipe above, which recommends an overnight marinade in spices and buttermilk. Are you drooling yet?)
2. Mix butter, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, eggs and buttermilk. Make sure that butter isn't too cold or you'll be mixing until your arm falls off. I had the hardest time re-attaching mine.
3. Mix flour and baking powder and add to the wet goods. The mixture will have the consistency of  thick, runny honey.
4. Cook them waffles!

A thousand words:
Chicken, meet waffle. Waffle, chicken.

The waffles are quite chewy and only taste nice when warm. But then, oh my, are they tasy. I liked the syrup with the chicken, and the syrup with the waffles, but I didn't quite like the chicken with the waffle. This may well be because a) store-bought sfc and b) different waffle recipe.

I think I have to eat this in its natural habitat. Looks like you need to make good on your promise and take me to that waffle place in L.A., Josh! If I ever make it back there...

Next time, we're making gingerbread waffles. GINGERBREAD WAFFLES, y'all. I have examined this phrase and find it good.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I aten't ded!

ALRIGHT, #TEAMWAFFLE!? I'm sorry I've been afk (away from kitchen) - too much to deal with at work and two weekends away, is my excuse. However! I have time tomorrow, so I'll be making chicken and waffles as per the recommendation of the ever-awesome @joshacagan! (And pretty much every #teamwaffle member in the States. They're a bit...weird over there.)

I'm very excited about this. This is the recipe, if you want to waffle along!

Full disclosure: I will NOT be making the southern friend chicken from scratch, because I'm a coward. I don't want to screw it up, plus I don't even know if I like chicken and waffles, so, for this trial run, I've bought some read-made southern friend chicken drumsticks that I'll only have to pop in the oven. Yes, I know. I promise, if I like this as much as I think I will, I shall attempt the chicken next.

See you tomorrow!