Tuesday, June 11, 2013


So, it turns out I suck at even a tiny little project. It's been 4 weeks since the last waffle, and I'm about to add another 3 weeks to that, because reasons. If all goes to plan, I shall return to my kitchen at the beginning of July, whereupon I plan to persue waffles across America* with renewed vigour. Maybe even vengeance. If you fancy trying out something new in the meantime, how about making one of these amazing Next Level Waffles? @camannwordsmith sent me the link ages ago, and while I've not been brave enough to attempt these, I'm sure you suffer no such fear! If you do make any of them, let me know how you got on? Thankies. Hope everyone's well and waffled up.


* Oooooh, see what I did there?